26 January 2014

Worldwide......location estimates later...
According to my calculations the following dates are likely for earthquakes to occur. (>6R)
·        1st February 2014              6.5R
·        5rd February 2014             6.5R
·        9th Feb                                 6R
·        12th Feb                               6.7R
·        15th Feb                               6R
·        18th Feb                               7R
·        20th Feb                               6R
·        25th Feb                               6.3R
28th Feb/1st Mar                6.5R

Greek Region: According to my calculations the following dates are likely for earthquakes to occur.
·        31st Jan
·        3rd February 2014
·        5th Feb
·        10th Feb
·        13th Feb
·        16th Feb
·        22nd Feb
·        23rd Feb
·        28th Feb

2 January 2014

OK. I now have the rest of the dates for World Earthquakes. The places later.
  • 1st January 
  • 5th January 6.7R
  • 11th January 6.7R
  • 12th January 6.3R
  • 18th January 6.5R
  • 24th January 6.7R
  • 27th January  6.0 R
I am slowly producing the world earthquake dates for January 2014.
First date 5th January 2014 in Chile. At least 6R+
In the Region of Greece... This is the January 2014 earthquake prediction dates. (4R+).

  • January 4th and or 5th January
  • January 9th
  •  January 17th
  • January 30th
Be safe be good!

Happy New Year!